Hi, I'm Amal Joseph

PhD CSE @ Center for Visual Information Technology (CVIT), IIIT Hyderabad advised by Prof Ravi Kiran

Ex-Machine Learning Engineer @ Arcesium

Checkout my project course on "implementing UNET for Image Segmentation from scratch" at Educative.


LineTR: Unified Text Line Segmentation for Challenging Palm Leaf Manuscripts

Vaibhav Agrawal, Niharika Vadlamudi, Amal Joseph, Muhammad Waseem, Sreenya Chitluri, Ravi Kiran Sarvadevabhatla
In International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) , 2024

Re-imagining text line segmentation in challenging documents. Instead of a pixel-based segmentation paradigm, LineTR uses a parametric representation of a line, leveraging its inductive priors. Introduces a novel context-adaptive patching mechanism for zero-shot generalizability.